2013년 12월 13일 금요일



15 Rating
Director- Chu Chang-Min
Actors- Lee Bung-Hyun,
                 Ryu Seong-Ryong,
      Han Hyo-Ju
★★★★★ 9.22

The confusing and conspiratorial 15th ruler of Korea's Joseon Dynasty King Gwang-hae (Lee Byung-hun) orders his councilor, Heo Gyun (Ryu Seung-ryong),to find him a double in order to avoid the constant threat of assassination.

Heo Gyun finds Ha-sun, a lowly acrobat and bawdy joker who looks remarkably like the king, and just as feared, Gwang-hae is poisoned. Heo Gyun proposes Ha-sun fill the role as the king until Gwang-hae recovers fully and grooms Ha-sun to look and act every bit the king.

While assuming the role of the king at his first official appearance, Ha-sun begins to ponder the intricacies of the problems debated in his court. Being fundamentally more humanitarian than Gwang-hae, Ha-sun’s affection and appreciation of even the most minor servants slowly changes morale in the palace for the better.
Over time he finds his voice and takes control of governing the country with real insight and fair judgments.

<The best scene of this film>

The Host

The Host

12 Rating
Director- Bong Jun-Ho
Actors- Song Gang-Ho,
           Bun In-Cheol,
       Bae Du-Na,
       Ko A-Sung,
      Park Hae-Il
★★★★☆ 8.61

There is a family in Han river.
They live peacefully in Han river.
In late 2000, an American military pathologist commands a reluctant Korean assistant to violate protocol by dumping over 200 bottles of formaldehyde down a drain leading into the Han River. Over the next few years, there are sightings of a strange amphibious creature in the waterway, and the fish in the Han River are dying off because of water pollution. A suicidal businessman, just before jumping off a bridge into the river, sees something dark moving under the surface of the water.

 While Gang-du is delivering food to some customers, he sees a crowd along the Han River.
Gang-du grabs the hand of a girl whom he believes to be Hyun-seo and starts to flee. When he realises he isn't holding Hyun-seo, he turns to see the creature running towards her. The creature then snatches Hyun-seo and dives back into the river.

While in quarantine inside a hospital, Gang-du receives a phone call from Hyun-seo, who is not dead, but trapped somewhere in the sewers by the creature. She is cut off when her phone battery runs out. Gang-du tries to explain this to others, but his protests go ignored by all except his family. The four of them decide to escape the hospital to track down Hyun-seo. Hee-bong buys a truck, weapons, and a map of the sewers from a group of men, so they are prepared for the search.

 Gang-du attacks the creature with a metal pole but is knocked to the ground. Nam-il and the homeless man come to Gang-du's aid.
The creature bursts into flames and attempts to run to the Han river.

The Flu

The Flu
15 Rating
Director- Kim Sung-Su
Actors- Jang Hyuk,
                 Park Min-Ha,
                Yoo Hae-Jin,
                Lee Hee-Jun
★★★★☆ 7.15
This film is disaster film about an outbreak of a deadly disease which throws a city into chaos.
The city of 'Bundang' changes into a city of death because of the death virus.
People lives in Bundang fight against government that shut down the city from the other district.

The city of Bundang that is origin of the virus shut down by government.


In-Hae who is a doctor perform the study of the disease curing the patients.

In-Hae's daughter 'Mir'.
She runs into danger of the disease.
But Ji-Gu who loves In-Hae saves Mir from the disease.

He is a fire-rescuer.
 Finally, a decision is made to lockdown the city. Roads and subway trains leading out are all shut down, and troops are called in to forcibly move all residents into a quarantine camp. It was determined that, through footage that the single survivor in the container was an antibody carrier
President of Korea receives request for closing the city including the residents from USA.
But, the president protects the residents of the city.
Finally, by In-Hye's effort, the vaccine is produced.



12 Rating
Director- Kang Dae-Gyu
Actors- Kim Yun-Jin,
               Na Moon-Hee,
            Lee Da-Hee,
                Kang Ye-Won,
                   Park Jun-Myeon,
                 Jung Su-Young,

                   Lee Tae-Kyoung

★★★★★ 9.06

Hong Jeong-hye is sentenced to serve 10 years in prison after killing her abusive husband. Pregnant at the time of her arrest, she gives birth to a baby boy behind bars but must give him up for adoption according to the law. One day she sets out to start a choir with the help of Kim Moon-ok, a fellow inmate on death row for killing her adulterous husband and mistress. The prison chief promises her a special outing with her baby if she succeeds..

 Jung-Hye's son Min-Woo lives in prison with her.
But the days stay with together are almost end.

Although they know the sad future is coming, they spend a happy time with companies.


 There are many story about their companies. She is a professor in a college.
She kills a woman related in affair with her husband.
After the event, including her daughter, families don't contact with her.

She is a singer in a bar. she makes a lot of debt in private loan.
so, she finally comes into this prison. she has two lovely girls and a husband.

 She kills a stepfather. Because the stepfather abuses to her for a long time.
In this film, she has a fussy manner and is a temperamental.
but her change is enormous.

Prisoners make a choir for special sleep out of Min-Woo and Jung-Hye.
They practice the song so many times.
Practicing the chorus, they change in many aspects for positive things.

They expresse their sound to the external world.
Taking this opportunity, their family acknowledge them.
They are one as a choir.



<OST: Harmony-JEA&이영현>



The Classic



12 Rating
Director-  Kauk Jae-Yong
Actors-  Son Yae-Jin, 
                   Cho Seong-Woo,
             Cho In-Sung,
                  Seo Young-Hee

★★★★★ 9.32

This film released in Korea 2003.
It is lyrical story about a man and a woman.
A woman who appears in first scene is a daughter of main character.
The woman falls in love with her senior.
By destiny, the senior is a son of a man that her mother loves.
This film shows the past of her mother at the same time.
This film is masterpiece of Korea.

A woman in first scene is Ji-Hye.
She loves the boy, her senior, Sang-Min.

Sang-Min also loves Ji-Hye.
By chance, she realize love story of her mother.

her mother, Ju-Hee loves Jun-Ha.
They love each other but, their love is not come true.
Jun-Ha goes to battlegroud  and they part company.
After many years,
Ju-Hee finds Jun-Ha.
But Jun-Ha can't see anything because of aftermath of war.


Finally, their love don't get results.
Her mother's sad love story is over.
Ji-Hye is sad that her mother has a sad love story.
She tells this story to Sang-Min.
 Surprisingly, Sang-Min is a son of the man her mother loves.
Ji-Hye and Sang-Min are surprised for this fact.

 They(Ji-Hye and Sang-Min)fall in love with each other.
<Short Video>